
62 pages 2 hours read

In the Shadow of Man

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1971

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Chapters 10-12Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “The Hierarchy”

Adult male chimp Mike surprisingly rose from having a very low status to becoming the dominant male in the group. Goodall witnessed Mike taking empty kerosene cans from her camp to make noisy, aggressive displays in front of the other male chimps. This prompted the other males to develop a more submissive attitude toward him. Goodall explains, “It was obvious that Mike constituted a serious threat towards Goliath’s hitherto unchallenged supremacy” (114). Goodall notes that Mike seemed particularly strategic in his displays of dominance, since most male chimps performed such displays when they were genuinely excited or frustrated, while Mike seemed to manufacture them at will. She writes, “Charging displays usually occur at a time of emotional excitement […] but it seemed Mike almost planned his charging displays […] one might say, in cold blood” (114).

These displays became dangerous for Goodall and other observers, because Mike threw the cans, which sometimes hit Goodall or her equipment. When she decided to remove the cans from the camp, Mike availed himself of her other belongings, such as her camera tripod and crockery cabinet. Goodall remembers “the trail of destruction” (114) as “unbelievable.” While Mike was clearly the dominant male by then, he continued to make dramatic displays often, and many chimps feared him, since he attacked lower-status males, females, and younger chimps. Goliath had a tense relationship with Mike, and competition between them was frequent as Goliath tried to ascend to the top of the group again. Goodall and van Lawick feared for their safety and observed the conflicts from inside a steel cage. Goliath and Mike made aggressive displays toward each other, and while they did throw rocks at each other, they never physically fought. At the end of their displays, they sat and groomed one another. Goodall was astonished at the “strangely intense” relationship they developed, in which Goliath accepted Mike’s dominance, and the two patted, kissed, and groomed each other.

Goodall was likewise surprised at how vicious or friendly Mike could be with other chimps, often all within a few hours. On one occasion, he beat Flo for taking bananas, and just hours later gently cuddled and tickled her. Goodall believes that even without the many loud objects her camp unwittingly provided Mike for his displays, he still would have become the dominant male because of his cunning, courage, and desire for dominance. While Goliath sometimes threatened his position, Mike maintained his sway over the group.

Goodall claims that chimp groups have an “extremely complex social organization” (120). She cites their different greeting calls and body language as evidence of this because some of these behaviors show submission, while others signify acceptance from more dominant members. While the Gombe group seemed “organized in a casual manner” (120), she noticed that the chimps always seemed to know their status in relation to the others. She observed different examples of chimp friendship, which could be short- or long-term. Goodall believed that long-term close friendships were more common among male chimps, and she describes the close bond between David Graybeard and Goliath and between Leakey and Mr. Worzle. Based on their similar physical appearances, Goodall suspected that these friend pairs were brothers.

While the female chimps were nearly always submissive to the males, they maintained a hierarchy among themselves. Flo was the top female for years and even asserted herself with adolescent males. Goodall believes that she was so confident and powerful partly because her grown sons traveled with her. In addition, Flo maintained her dominance through violence, attacking the less powerful female Olly, or aggressively chasing other female competitors out of their area. Goodall hypothesizes that older females can become violent because their territory is small and they want to defend it, or that they feel a kind of jealousy toward younger females who may attract attention from males.

Generally, the behavior of female chimps differs dramatically from that of males, but some individuals have more characteristics of the opposite sex. Female chimps sometimes make infant-like sounds and gestures when begging from more dominant members—and they can “harbor grudges” by remembering slights from other chimps and trying to get someone to intervene on their behalf. For example, one day, Rodolf hit Melissa, who waited for Mike to arrive and then told him to attack Rodolf by screaming and making movements. In another incident, Pooch, a young female, was angry at Evered, an adult male, but waited until her protector, Huxley, was nearby before attacking Evered. Goodall emphasizes how similar some of these behaviors are to those of humans and posits that only continued research that understands the family ties will help illuminate “the whole complex and intricate pattern” (130) of chimp social behavior.

Chapter 11 Summary: “The Growth of the Research Center”

Goodall established the Gombe Stream Research Center so that she could host students interested in researching chimps as well as baboons and colobus monkeys. She and van Lawick found the research students helpful because they could observe the chimps who came to camp while Goodall was in the mountains, type up her notes, and organize her observations for her PhD thesis.

In his continued contributions to the study, van Lawick invented “dung-swirling,” in which they washed the chimps’ dung to determine what they’d been eating. This method was successful because chimps only partially digest much of their food, so spotting the fruit seeds, pits, other debris was easy. Goodall was pleased that this method gave her “a very good picture of their diet throughout the year” (132). She recalls that they all worked seven days a week until her visiting mother urged them to take one evening a week off to relax. The author admits that the work was so constant that her passion is all that kept her going: “[I]f the work had not been our pleasure it is doubtful whether we should have been able to keep up the pace” (133). Eventually, they hired a secretary named Sonia Ivey, who helped type up Goodall’s notes, allowing her to spend more time in the field with the chimps.

By this time, the local group of 45 chimps regularly came into Goodall’s camp. While Goodall and the others tried to keep their belongings locked in trunks, chimps often barged into tents and took their belongings—and they became bolder about approaching Goodall outside, such as when Rodolf grabbed a corner of her shirt and sucked on it for 15 minutes. In another incident, David Graybeard grabbed Vanne Goodall’s pajamas and held on until he was bribed away with a banana. Male chimp Leakey invaded van Lawick’s space by sticking his finger in his bellybutton, and similarly approached research student Edna. Many of the chimps loved eggs, which the group had to lock away, although Mr. McGregor once managed to steal four of them. Meanwhile, Goliath and JB broke tents and feeding boxes. The feeding station became problematic too since the bolder chimps such as David Graybeard looked in their tents if the station was empty and quickly learned Goodall’s hiding places for food. Goodall comments on the commotion: “Life became increasingly hectic and impossible, and increasingly I longed for those uncomplicated days when I roamed the mountains alone” (137).

The National Geographic Society funded the construction of two simple buildings on the site in which Goodall and her team could live and study. Goodall appreciated her new home at Gombe, which felt luxurious compared to her years of living in a tent, and she was sad to leave it to return to the UK to complete her PhD dissertation. By this time, she and van Lawick realized that they’d made a “grave mistake” by encouraging the infant Flint and his siblings Fifi and Figan to come close to them and play with them. They were amazed that wild creatures could so quickly lose their fear of humans, but they worried that the chimps could become dangerous, so they implemented a new rule at Gombe that no one could touch a chimp on purpose. Similarly, Goodall was concerned that by regularly offering bananas at feeding stations they were changing the group’s behavior; the chimps now moved about in large groups more often and even slept close to camp so that they could easily come in “noisy hordes” in the morning. Unfortunately, the male chimps in particular became “increasingly aggressive.”

Upon her return from the UK, Goodall was dismayed to find that the camp was “chaotic” because the chimps were overly familiar with people, and many of them had learned the trick to opening the feeding box. In addition, much more conflict occurred among the chimps than before. To deal with these developments, Goodall decided to feed the chimps irregularly rather than daily, to implement a new battery-operated steel feeding box, and to have a trench constructed around the feeding stations that allowed her to hide bananas from aggressive chimps or baboons and then reopen it for well-behaved chimps. These adjustments helped resolve most of the problematic interactions between chimps, baboons, and people, and Goodall was pleased to continue watching the chimps at the feeding station while also tracking them in the wild. She concludes that the valuable insights they gained into the chimp group over these years were worth the “struggles and heartaches and near despair” (145).

Chapter 12 Summary: “The Infant”

Because female chimps give birth so infrequently, newborns often caused great excitement and curiosity in the group. Goodall recalls how Melissa’s newborn, Goblin, was two days old when his mother tentatively introduced him to the rest of their group. Soon, the adult males began to “display” by jumping through the trees and shaking the branches, and a frightened Melissa rushed away with the other females. Goodall attributes this to the males’ “frustrated curiosity” since Melissa wouldn’t let them get close to Goblin. Melissa allowed the other females to get a close look at Goblin but remained protective of him. Goodall’s many observations of new mothers with their infants led her to conclude that allowing other adults to look at the baby is much safer. When inexperienced mothers run away, it’s risky to the infant because they can’t cling tightly to their mothers and are often still trailing the umbilical cord and placenta. Of the 12 infants born to Gombe chimps throughout Goodall’s study, several died before they reached a year old, though Goodall didn’t witness these deaths but only registered the disappearances.

The author recalls a chimp mother named Passion who wasn’t particularly protective of her infant. Unlike Flo and Melissa, Passion laid her infant Pom on the ground as a newborn and allowed other chimps to touch her, didn’t carry her gently, and didn’t support her while nursing. Passion had already lost one infant, and Goodall suspected that she may have had other infants who died as well. Passion treated Pom roughly when she was trying to learn to walk. Unlike other mothers, who tried to help their infants, Passion knocked Pom to the ground or roughly placed Pom on her back. Goodall connects this rough approach to Pom’s clingy behavior as a two-year-old, positing that the young chimp was “terrified of being left behind” (157).

Chimp infants stay very close to their mothers for years, nesting with them at night, frequently nursing, and seeking their protection when stressed. While they’re young and dependent, they practice foundational skills such as walking with the group and making their own nests. Goodall draws a comparison between human and chimp social development, noting that human and chimp young can ask for attention without being aware of the power and status differences in the group. Both chimps and humans can do many independent actions before they can easily perceive the feelings of others around them or understand when to be submissive. This makes young chimps vulnerable to aggression, and they depend on their mothers for protection. Goodall recounts an unfortunate incident in which young Goblin was separated from his mother and was used as a prop in one of Mike’s raging displays before his mother rescued him. Goodall puzzles over how the group tolerates most infant behavior well but adult males seem to lose their usual patience when performing dominance displays. Goodall argues that chimp mothers’ first infants are the most vulnerable, since the females are still learning how to parent. She emphasizes the significant individual differences within the group: Mothers like Passion were rough or negligent, while Olly was over-protective of her offspring, Gilka.

Goodall examines the role of play in chimp development. She compares thoughtful, intentional chimp “play,” such as trying to catch termites or build a nest, to the act of a child building a tower with blocks, but she considers social and physical play a different category altogether. Young chimps engage in physical play alone by jumping, swinging, and somersaulting but especially love to play with each other through wrestling, tickling, and chasing. Goodall argues that these activities help young chimps become familiar with the environment they live in. In addition, this social play allows the young chimps to create bonds with others and understand more about their status within the group. Goodall observed that most young chimps are very invested in their play, and their mothers have difficulty persuading them to leave their friends.

As infants, male and female chimps show few differences, but Goodall found that male infants are more likely to engage in rough play and practice making aggressive displays. While all chimps are sometimes aggressive or attack others, males begin this behavior at a younger age than females. Goodall claims that one major difference between the sexes is males’ early interest in sex, citing their attempts to mate with adult females when the males are as young as one year old. All infants tend to interfere with adult mating, and Goodall is unsure whether this is motivated by jealousy or something else. By age four, chimps are weaned from their mothers, which is usually a long and difficult process, and the adults in the group are less tolerant of their mischief.

Chapters 10-12 Analysis

In these chapters, Goodall openly admits to the challenges and problems she faced in her research. She humbly acknowledges that the feeding station had been organized with much “trial and error” (140). This underscores Goodall’s reflective personality and highlights the uncharted nature of her study; she had no blueprint to follow in interacting with the chimps, so she had to invent her own methods. By acknowledging the “chaos” and conflicts that the feeding station created, she takes responsibility for worsening the chimps’ behavior. Similarly, Goodall admits that actively seeking physical contact with the chimps through grooming and play was unwise. By examining these mistakes and explaining her resolutions, Goodall reveals the challenges of studying animals in the wild and acknowledges some of her controversial choices.

Goodall’s prose continues to be descriptive and understated. Her detailed and vivid stories portray the multifaceted experiences of the chimps’ social group. She shares her scientific observations in stories, not charts of data or statistics, making her work feel primarily like a memoir rather than a study. Nevertheless, she communicates many scientific insights and uses detailed observations to support her claims. For example, when explaining Mike’s rise to dominance, Goodall describes one of his dramatic displays of aggression:

Gradually he rocked more vigorously, his hair slowly began to stand erect, and then, softly at first, he started a series of pant-hoots. As he called, Mike got to his feet and suddenly he was off, charging towards the group of males, hitting the two cans ahead of them (113).

Moreover, Goodall is humble and transparent about aspects of chimp behavior that she can’t explain. For example, she considers juvenile chimps’ habit of interfering with mating adults one of the “mysteries” of chimp behavior that requires more research.

In these passages, Goodall develops the theme Similarities Between Humans and Chimpanzees. She makes explicit connections between human and chimp behavior, approaching the issue from a layperson’s perspective. She doesn’t include scientific jargon and develops her ideas with accessible language. For example, she questions why the concept and purpose of play is so hotly contested in scientific circles.

Goodall attempts to make her mark on the discourse by specifying two types of play in which both chimps and humans engage. By differentiating between activities that build foundational physical coordination skills and those that develop social awareness and bonds, Goodall offers her own perspective on play to child psychologists, anthropologists, and primatologists. In addition, she uses her discussion of play to highlight what she sees as significant similarities between chimps and humans. For example, she compares infant chimps building nests or hunting for termites to how human children build towers.

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