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After the end of Shade’s poem, Kinbote provides his analysis. He groups the analysis by line number, beginning with the opening line. Quickly, however, Kinbote’s notations are overwhelmed by his own story. When discussing the waxwing from the opening line, for example, he explains how he saw those birds often when he and Shade were neighbors. The heraldry of the fictional nation of Zembla also contains a waxwing, in addition to a merman and a reindeer. Kinbote points out further possible allusions to Zembla, including reflections glimpsed in windows and an unnamed “crystal land,” which Kinbote believes is his own “dear country” (64). The last king of Zembla, Kinbote explains, was named Charles. King Charles translated Shakespeare and was passionate about literature.
Kinbote believes that Jakob Gradus, a “would-be regicide” (64), is also referenced in “Pale Fire.” Gradus traveled from Onhava in Zembla, leaving the country the day after Shade began working on his poem (July 2, 1959). Kinbote reveals that he has access to previous drafts of the poem. One version, he claims, contains more mentions of Zembla, King Charles, and Gradus. Kinbote told Shade about Zembla, and he believes that this formed the foundation of the poem. Even back in May, Kinbote claims to have noticed the importance of Zembla in “Pale Fire,” even though Shade only began writing the poem in July. Since then, however, the Zembla references have been slowly drained from the poem. Kinbote blames Sybil for diminishing his influence on the poem, as well as removing elements “connected with the magnificent Zemblan theme” (77).
Kinbote speaks again about his good friend, John Shade, and remembers watching him with binoculars. Kinbote continues to criticize Sybil, whom he claims contributed poorly to her husband’s obituary. He claims that the version of “Pale Fire” Sybil published after her husband’s death is actually an earlier draft.
When Shade writes the word “often” (80), Kinbote speaks about his own loneliness. Earlier in 1959, Kinbote was living alone in New Wye and decided to take in a young man named Bob as a roommate. Bob betrayed him by sneaking a woman into the house, he says. Kinbote was already feeling afraid and imagined a group of revolutionaries would burst into his home and drag him away to be executed. Kinbote suffers from hallucinations and imagines that he is being constantly persecuted. In the house that he rents, he constantly finds windows, doors, and shutters partially opened, though he is sure he closed them. These are signs, he believes, that people are trying to break into his house.
Kinbote talks about a supposed earlier draft of “Pale Fire” that detailed King Charles’s escape from Zembla. Dressed in a red cap and matching sweater, he was secreted out of the country by loyal supporters, whom Kinbote describes as “heroic.” They were all dressed in red, allowing King Charles to blend in among them.
While Kinbote encourages scholarship and commentary on literature, he criticizes Professor Hurley for his “preposterous” misreading of Shade’s work. In one essay, Kinbote notes, Hurley fails to mention the “glorious friendship” (between Kinbote and Shade) that lit up the final months of Shade’s life. In contrast, Kinbote provides his own analysis of Shade’s life. He mentions Shade’s father, who was an ornithologist, but the notes quickly return to the story of King Charles, whose father was named Alfin the Vague. Alfin had a “passion for mechanical things, especially for flying apparatuses” (86), only to be killed in a tragic airplane crash. Kinbote describes King Charles’s childhood in Zembla. He describes how he once gave Shade a detailed floor plan of the Onhava Palace, where King Charles lived in Zembla, hoping to improve Shade’s understanding of the king’s life. Kinbote would like these plans to be returned, so he hopes Sybil will mail them to him. He is now in the fictional town of Cedarn. Returning to the poem, he notes that this particular line was written just as Gradus was leaving Zembla.
A line in the poem makes Kinbote think about Shade’s unathletic life. Quickly, however, he returns to the story of King Charles’s escape from Zembla; he claims that Shade would beg him to tell the story of how Charles evaded the extremists. After the early months of the Zemblan Revolution, the royalists began to lose power because a foreign country was sending money to the rebels. King Charles refused to give up his throne, so he was placed under house arrest. Odon was an actor and a friend of the king. When Odon was accused of trying to send messages to the king using a mirror, Charles was sent into a dark room in the palace. Unbeknownst to the rebels, however, Charles knew the room well. As a child, he had discovered a secret passage in it. Duke Oleg of Rahl and Charles had once ventured down the passageway, though they had never reached the end. Charles conveyed a secret message to Odon, telling him about the secret passage. Soviet professionals helped the rebels loot the palace, taking apart a painting by Eystein, the Zemblan court painter. Charles waited until night to enter the secret passage, emerging in the dressing room of the Royal Theater. He met Odon, who dressed him in cloaks and snuck him out into a waiting car.
When news of Charles’s escape spread, Odon and Charles had to navigate the tightened security at a roadblock. They went to the mountains, where they parted ways. Odon decided to act as a diversion, allowing Charles to escape. That night, Charles stayed with a family of peasants, and the following day, he came down from the mountains in his red cap. A policeman assumed that Charles was just another imposter, as many people were dressed in the red caps. Charles pretended to be a tourist from Britain, and when he gave up his red hat and sweater to the police officer, he was allowed to go. He reunited with Odon at the coast, and they headed to the Rippleson Caves together.
While paying passing attention to the poem, Kinbote continues to narrate King Charles’s story. For “almost a whole year” after the king’s escape (121), the rebels believed that he was hiding in Zembla. Only when news reached Zembla that Odon was directing a movie in Paris did they realize that if Odon was able to escape, then King Charles must also have escaped. A dedicated group of rebels named the Shadows promised to track down King Charles and kill him. Among the Shadows’ members were Nodo, Odon’s half-brother who had epilepsy and cheated at cards, and Jakob Gradus.
Kinbote hypothesizes that the Shadows selected Gradus as the assassin on July 2, right at the time when Shade was writing the first lines of “Pale Fire.” According to Kinbote, Gradus was a “clockwork man” (124). After bouncing from job to job, Gradus never distinguished himself in any way. Even as a potential regicide, Kinbote does not find Gradus to be particularly impressive and would be better suited to being an assassin’s assistant and “should not kill kings” (125).
Shade began work on Canto 2 on July 5. Various colleagues called on him that night, and again, Kinbote watched them through the window of his house. Simultaneously, Gradus arrived in Copenhagen. Kinbote, during this time, was struggling because a young friend of his had lost his driving license. The night before, Kinbote drove the young man to a party, where the friend slipped away and Kinbote was left surrounded by dull strangers. The following day, he found two strangers had had sex in his car, and he drove home alone. The car broke down, and he did not return home until six o’clock, at which time he remembered that it was Shade’s birthday.
Shade’s birthday is July 5, and Kinbote uses the poem’s reference to this day to describe Shade’s birthday party. Though several people were invited, Kinbote did not receive an invitation, even though he bought a gift for his neighbor. He suspected that he missed the phone call inviting him, so he called the Shades on the night of the party. Sybil was short on the telephone, telling Kinbote that she and her husband were busy. Kinbote watched through his window as the guests arrived at the house. Kinbote waited until the following day to deliver his gift. Sybil awkwardly told Kinbote that they chose not to invite him because they believed he found such events “tedious” (131). Kinbote handed her the gifts: a dressing gown and a copy of Bibliotheque de la Pleiade by Marcel Proust with certain passages underlined (in which one of the characters apologizes for failing to invite another character to a party). Kinbote counts the interaction as a victory for himself over Sybil.
Kinbote cites Shade’s views on several issues. He talks about interdepartmental rivalries at the university, including Professor Pnin, the head of the Russian Department, whom Kinbote says is an example of the humorlessness of Russian intellectuals, especially in contrast to the humor of Russian writers.
As Gradus traveled from Copenhagen to Paris, Kinbote learned about Hazel from Jane Provost, Shade’s secretary, since Shade did not like to talk about his dead daughter. Kinbote feels a responsibility to share some of this information, even if he believes that Shade revealed too much about his daughter instead of “richer and rarer matters” (133). Shortly after the death of Aunt Maud, Hazel demonstrated telekinetic powers. She moved paintings and a dog basket, both of which belonged to Maud, and then moved on to other household objects. Kinbote suspects that, to Shade, these incidents mirrored his childhood seizures. Shade and Sybil suspected that Hazel was moving the objects, though she never claimed responsibility. The parents talked to Dr. Sutton, an old-fashioned doctor, and the occurrences stopped when they talked out loud about moving.
Kinbote references a cut passage from an earlier draft, speculating about which writer’s name might fit the meter of the unfinished line. Perhaps, he wondered, he did not want to include a friend’s name among the list of writers who had mental health conditions. On their evening walks, Shade would often talk to Kinbote about the natural world, though Kinbote preferred talking about philosophy or literature. Kinbote quizzed Shade about how Zembla was being depicted in “Pale Fire,” but Shade batted away his questions.
In the poem, Shade refers to his wife’s footsteps reassuring him in the wake of their daughter’s death. Kinbote notes that the relationship between Shade and Sybil was not quite so serene. Kinbote does not like Sybil, though he claims to have made an effort to befriend her. He forgives her for referring to him in an insulting manner, such as when she referred to him as a “monstrous parasite of a genius” (138). A reference in the poem to a “dark Vanessa” reminds Kinbote of a conversation with Shade about Vanessa butterflies, as well as the Payn family coat of arms in Zembla. Kinbote claims that just before his death, Shade pointed at a Vanessa butterfly.
Shade married Sybil, and King Charles married Disa, the Duchess of Payn. However, King Charles was a gay man. The public was happy enough to ignore his relationships with men, but he married Disa due to public pressure on him to produce an heir. They met at a masked ball, where Disa was in “male dress.” A few years later, they married.
Kinbote claims that Gradus flew to Paris the day that Shade wrote Line 286. Gradus sought out Oswin Bretwit, a former consul in Zembla, to learn King Charles’s location. Gradus claimed to be returning a number of Bretwit’s old documents. Bretwit, hoping that the documents might contain his missing stamp collection, welcomed Gradus. Though the papers contained nothing interesting, Bretwit offered to compensate Gradus, who asked only to be put in contact with the exiled king. When Gradus failed to make the secret royalist hand gesture for “X,” however, Bretwit told him to leave.
On July 7, Shade and Sybil were buying luggage. Kinbote saw them and, concerned that they were planning on a vacation, ran over to them. Sybil tried to hurry her husband away, but Kinbote later learned through a doctor whom he shared with Shade that the couple were heading to a cabin in Cedarn, Utana. Kinbote quickly located the destination and booked himself a cabin next door. Still livid with Sybil, he kept it a secret and looked forward to Shade’s expression when they saw him in Cedarn.
Kinbote cannot summarize every reference in the poem. For some, he can only guess at their meanings. A reference to the “Old Barn” (148), Kinbote says, refers to a nearby shed where strange things happened in the months leading up to Hazel’s death. A German farmer named Paul Hentzner owned the shed. Kinbote was impressed by the man’s knowledge of nature, and Shade admired his down-to-earth personality in contrast to the academics at his university. After Hentzner lost his property in a divorce settlement, he would occasionally sleep in the barn. Later, he died, and when two youngsters visited the barn, they heard strange sounds and saw strange lights. They ran away, frightened, and their experience was written up in the local newspaper. Shade’s complaints to the authorities led to the shed being torn down.
Jane Provost told Kinbote that she and Hazel visited the shed for a school paper and stayed for a night, though a storm hindered their research. When Hazel returned alone, she noted strange sounds and lights. When she asked questions, a circle of light would move unpredictably across the floor. Through her research, Hazel concluded that the apparent ghost had “apoplexy” (151). Kinbote has tried, in a similar way, to make sense of passages in Shade’s poem.
During the night, Hazel became frightened and ran home. There, she saw a figure on the porch and shouted, though the figure was her father, up late waiting for his daughter. Hazel returned to the barn with her parents, where, Kinbote believes, she became frustrated with her parents’ skepticism. He tries to imagine this scene and presents it in the form of a play.
After the final lines of Shade’s poem, Kinbote’s commentary takes over the novel. The poem becomes secondary as Kinbote’s egotism drowns his analysis in self-obsession, emotional assumptions, and digressions. The way Kinbote’s commentary vastly outweighs the poem itself demonstrates the extent to which Kinbote selfishly imposes himself on others. He has no real interest in Shade’s artistry beyond its capacity to glorify Zembla and the exiled king. When Kinbote absconds with the poem, he does so in the belief that he is perfectly suited to explain every minute reference to his homeland, which he subtly planted in Shade’s mind for the past months. When he discovers that this is not the case, however, he refuses to admit defeat. He presses on, using his questionable analytical skills to provide and invent commentary. He delves into the story he wishes to tell, presupposing Shade’s intention by deliberately ignoring the emotional content of his words. Kinbote cannot really analyze “Pale Fire” because he does not value Shade’s introspective discussion of grief. Though he insists that he is keen to share Shade’s glory with others, he reveals that he only has one real interest: himself. In this way, he is chiefly concerned with Creating Afterlives and Immortality through Literature.
The story Kinbote really wants to tell is the exile of King Charles the Beloved, and he characterizes himself through his narration. He barely attempts to disguise his contempt for the revolutionaries in Zembla, and his words have an undercurrent of royal privilege. He does not attempt to engage with the complaints of the population; he believes they are unartful brutes who exist only to eradicate the finer things in life, and their revolution is an example of poor taste. His rebukes of the revolution are completely detached from the contents of the poem. For all the small errors and minor rivalries Kinbote seeks to address, he never confronts the main issue with his commentary: “Pale Fire” is not about King Charles, nor is it about Zembla. To admit as much would be to acknowledge that Shade’s preoccupations are as worthy of examination as Kinbote’s. For an egotist like Kinbote, this is simply incomprehensible. Though he occasionally acknowledges (and often misinterprets) Shade’s self-reflective verses, he cannot help but go straight back to the story of Zembla. In this juxtaposition of Writing as Catharsis, the difference between the two men is revealed. Shade writes about himself to explore and quell his grief, while Kinbote writes about himself to glorify his actions and disparage his enemies. The poet is obsessed with self-reflection; the commentator is obsessed with self-aggrandizement.
Kinbote’s self-serving commentary relitigates the disagreements and rivalries that plague his life. One of his foremost rivalries is with Shade’s wife, Sybil. A reading of “Pale Fire” leaves the reader under no doubt that Shade loves Sybil; they have endured the great tragedy of Hazel’s death together, and through their marriage, they have found comfort in one another. This enduring love is ignored by Kinbote, who can only conceive of Sybil as an obstacle in the way of his friendship with Shade. Kinbote cannot imagine why Shade would rather spend time with Sybil, even after reading the poem, underscoring the fact that Kinbote is not actually reading or analyzing “Pale Fire.” Whereas Sybil shares a house, life, and past with Shade, Kinbote is reduced to voyeuristically watching them from the bushes, his windows, or through binoculars, symbolizing the emotional distance between the two men. Even as Kinbote describes these actions, he cannot comprehend the closeness between Sybil and Shade as anything other than a distraction from Shade’s true calling: glorifying King Charles and Zembla. Kinbote’s inability to conceive of Sybil as a person in her own right stems from his misogyny. Throughout the text, Kinbote and King Charles treat women with thinly veiled contempt, characterizing Kinbote as misogynistic and his perception as clouded by this hate.
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