
64 pages 2 hours read

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Part 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 8 Summary

Painter jumps up, disoriented by the sunlight and wondering if he is dreaming. Yumi tries to cover herself with a blanket but finds that she is incorporeal, which makes Painter think she might be a nightmare. He has heard stories of nightmares becoming so stable that they take on flesh-like tones. However, he dismisses this idea because she is not violent; he also decides he is probably not dreaming.

Yumi soon calms down enough to point out that they are both wearing the clothing of the yoki-hijo. She guesses that he must be the spirit she talked to earlier. Instead of responding, Painter pretends to understand all this by feigning confidence. He then asks her where he is and why the wagon is mostly empty. She tells him that the yoki-hijo needs no possessions as her sole purpose is to contemplate the greatness of the spirits—this makes Painter uncomfortable.

When Painter looks out the window, he is amazed by the light, the heat, and the floating plants across the skyline. Seeing the daystar in the sky, he concludes that he must have been transported to the planet that was visible through the shroud in Kilahito.

Yumi’s attendants enter the wagon, carrying breakfast. They do not see Yumi; instead, they treating Painter as if he is her. Yumi realizes that Painter is inhabiting her body and is horrified when he breaks protocol by eating by himself. The attendants panic and flee while Yumi suddenly grows angry.

Part 2, Chapter 9 Summary

Hoid comments on the common tendency of confusing accommodating people with weak people; in fact, it is their patience that makes them strong. Yumi is one such person. She vents her frustration and confusion on Painter, still believing that he is a spirit. She tells him that it was unfair to steal her body and embarrass her. Painter admits that he is not a spirit; he tells her he is a person from another planet. Yumi remembers that the spirit said it was going to send someone to help her, so she decides that Painter must be a great hero. Painter does not discourage this assumption. Yumi reaches out to take Painter’s hand and asks him to explain all this to her attendants; when they make contact, they both feel an incredibly warm sensation and an electric tingling.

Yumi then finds that she cannot move far away from Painter without being pulled back toward him. Liyun enters, and when Painter tries to explain their situation, she assumes Yumi is trying to avoid her duties. So, Yumi decides it would be best for Painter to play along. She has him apologize to Liyun. Next, Yumi realizes, comes the ritual bath.

Part 2, Chapter 10 Summary

Painter worries that he is not up to whatever task Yumi needs him to do, but her hopefulness and his wish to help her motivates him. He feels this is his chance to start anew, so he agrees to do whatever Yumi requests of him.

As Painter leaves the wagon, he steps on the hot stones of the ground and burns his foot. He puts on clogs and tries again, and then his attendants take him through the town. He thinks to himself that it is odd that these people, who seem to be from another planet, look so much like his own people. He even notices similarities between their clothing and his people’s formal wear.

When they arrive at the springs, Painter realizes that he will have to undress for the bath while Yumi is near—this is something that embarrasses him. This is compounded when Yumi insists on bathing to maintain the rituals of the yoki-hijo. Painter is then undressed and led into the water by two attendants, Chaeyung and Hwanji. To his surprise, they have also disrobed. He closes his eyes to avoid seeing Yumi but slips and catches Yumi staring at him. While bathing, they accidentally touch and gain a glimpse into each other’s emotions; they learn that they are both embarrassed and feel comforted by this shared experience.

Hoid comments on how Painter’s eagerness to help is unusual—classically, the heroes in stories are initially reluctant. Despite his eagerness, Painter is still worried about the stable nightmare. Once they bathe and get dressed, Painter feels extremely worn from the heat and passes out.

He wakes up in his own apartment in Kilahito and hears someone pounding on his door. He wonders if he has been dreaming but sees Yumi next to him in bed, dressed in his pajamas. Painter realizes that he is incorporeal.

Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary

Yumi is shocked by the darkness and cold of Painter’s world. She slowly absorbs her surroundings, noticing the messy way that Painter lives, the height of the apartments in the city, and the dark sky. Painter urges her to answer the door, and when she objects that her clothing is immodest, he says other people will probably see her as Painter. However, when she opens the door, the foreman remarks that he was not expecting to see a girl. The foreman asks about Painter, and at Painter’s prompting, Yumi tells the foreman that Painter is sick but adds that he saw a stable nightmare.

Akane then steps out of the door across the hall. Painter tells Yumi to say that she is his sister. Yumi asks if Akane is one of Painter’s concubines, which disgusts Akane. Seeing this, Yumi questions Painter’s status as a hero. When pressed, Painter admits he is not.

Soon, Yumi realizes how hungry she is and asks for food, of which Painter has little to offer. Painter also figures out that he can turn on his “hion viewer,” which is a television-like device. Yumi is entranced by it for a time but turns it off before she can get too invested. She then asks Painter if anything strange happened to him before they switched worlds, and he explains his encounter with the stable nightmare. Yumi begrudgingly admits that his actions sound heroic. Painter thinks that perhaps the elite “Dreamwatch” painters might help them, but Yumi falls asleep before they can make more plans. She wakes up back in her wagon, ghostly again.

Part 2, Chapter 12 Summary

This chapter opens with Hoid questioning the purpose of nightmares (the dreams) and suggesting that they might be a way for people to experience trauma in a safe environment. He says that if this is the case, nightmares are like storytellers.

In the wagon, Painter accepts being fed but is criticized by Liyun almost immediately for fainting. When he tries to respond to this, Yumi insists that he do everything Liyun says. Yumi has Painter ask for forgiveness for overexerting himself, and Liyun eventually accepts this. They then move to the ritual bathing, and Painter sees the local geyser erupt. This shocks him, but Yumi sharply criticizes him for staring at it. Painter grows more irritated by her criticism and wishes that Yumi could realize how difficult this change is for him, too.

As they bathe, Painter keeps his eyes closed for a time but peeks halfway through, only to find Yumi staring at him. They keep each other’s gaze as Yumi explains they need to contact a spirit. Painter agrees, but their staring contest only ends when their noses accidentally touch; they are immediately able to sense their shared frustration and passion toward each other.

Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary

While walking back toward the shrine, Yumi thinks about how her entire experience of all the towns she has visited is based on their ritual centers. This shrine, she notices, is in the village orchard, while most are further outside the town. She approves of this adaptation of tradition to meet needs.

When Liyun leaves Yumi and Painter at the shrine, Painter complains about Liyun. Yumi harshly insists that he is wrong and forces him to repeat prayers, saying he must act like a yoki-hijo. After their prayers, Painter nearly falls asleep, so Yumi pokes a finger through his forehead to wake him.

As they move to other rituals, Painter complains about the number of rituals. Yumi insists that this is necessary for the yoki-hijo. When she says that her role keeps her people from starving, Painter realizes how important the role is and tries to meditate.

As Liyun approaches again, Yumi tells Painter that they must now stack rocks in the place of ritual. While she was bathing, she formed a theory that Painter would be a natural at this. When he tries, however, he immediately fails, to the horror of all watching.

Part 2, Chapter 14 Summary

Painter is back in his room, thinking about the challenges of the previous day, when Yumi wakes up and immediately begins criticizing him for not having the skill or artistry to stack rocks. Painter says that stacking rocks does not require skill, but Yumi decides to teach him.

Yumi wants to begin immediately, but Painter insists they follow up on the stable nightmare. He says that the spirits might have sent her to help him, too. She agrees but wants to wash first, so Painter shows her how a shower works. As she washes, they talk. Yumi tells Painter that she has been a yoki-hijo her entire life, and Painter explains how his society is powered by hion. After this, Yumi thanks Painter for giving her privacy as she showered, and Painter replies that it was unfair to judge him based on how he acted in such an unprecedented situation. When Yumi emerges, Painter sees she had donned a bizarre outfit consisting of many layers and a sweater used as a skirt.

En route to the foreman’s office, Painter explains that his people’s observations of the other planet in the system (which he believes is Yumi’s) had revealed a civilization less advanced than his own. At the office, Yumi explains that Painter is sick and learns that the foreman has not done anything about the stable nightmare. He reluctantly agrees to check on the address of the house where Painter saw it.

As they leave, Painter complains about the foreman not believing him. He says the family has probably already left. They then bump into Akane. After she questions Yumi about Painter’s whereabouts, she asks Yumi if she is okay and offers to help her buy new clothes. To Painter’s surprise, Yumi begins to cry in gratitude.

Part 2, Chapter 15 Summary

This chapter is narrated in Yumi’s point of view. She thinks about how overwhelming the last few days have been and how it is a relief for someone to ask about her needs. On their way to the store, Yumi apologizes for her earlier assumption that Akane was a concubine, saying that she had gotten something Painter said about a hion-viewer drama confused with real life.

At the store, Yumi worries about paying for the clothes, but Akane says that she would pay and Painter could reimburse her. She also urges Yumi to try new things, and Yumi accepts, seeing a blue dress she likes. Akane picks out a large selection of other clothes and arranges for Yumi’s measurements to be taken. While Akane is looking for clothes, Yumi asks Painter about Akane, and he tells her that Akane has always been nice. Yumi is also surprised to learn that he chose to be a nightmare painter—it was not forced on him like her own title of yoki-hijo.

Yumi wears the new clothes and finds she loves them. She decides she is comfortable owning possessions in this world. Once they leave the store, Akane invites Yumi to join her for lunch after she drops off her clothes. Against Painter’s urging, she agrees.

Part 2, Chapter 16 Summary

In Painter’s apartment, he tries to dissuade Yumi from going; but she insists, so they leave.

They arrive at the Noddle Pupil, and Painter feels slightly jealous that Yumi is invited into Akane’s friend group while he has wanted to rejoin them for a long time. Akane introduces Yumi to her friends, with Painter adding commentary over her shoulder. Yumi meets Tojin (a bodybuilder who Painter insists shows off for women), Masaka (a strange woman who shows very little skin), and Izumankamo or Izzy (an eccentric woman obsessed with fortune telling).

As the group banters over Izzy’s supposed talent, Painter feels nostalgic about his old friendship with these people. He goes to the bar and is soon joined by Yumi, who is now worried that she shouldn’t have come here. She explains that the yoki-hijo is an object for society to use, not a person. Hearing this, Painter says that she is a person and being in Kilahito might be a reward. She wishes this is true but says the spirit that sent her was in pain.

They are interrupted by Design dropping a bowl of noodles. Looking directly at Painter, she asks if he is dead.

Part 2, Chapter 17 Summary

Yumi realizes, after a moment, that Design can see Painter. Yumi and Painter go around the bar, crouching to talk to Design as she cleans the dropped food.

They explain the body switching to Design, and she remarks that Yumi is in Painter’s body. However, the body looks like hers because she is a highly Invested being—this means that she possesses Investiture, a magical force in the Cosmere.

Painter asks Design to explain why she can see him, and Design explains that she is a being of pure Investiture that is inserted into an imitation body. Yumi thinks this sounds like she is a spirit. Design agrees, but she rejects the reverence that Yumi begins to feel for her. Painter then asks Design for help. She says she will help them but notes that she does not know how useful she can be.

By this time, Yumi feels tired again and quickly excuses herself. Back in Painter’s flat, she insists that they sleep so she can start teaching him stacking. Painter agrees with her plan, saying that he wants his life back, but Yumi thinks to herself that she does not.

Part 2 Analysis

Part 2 uses the protagonists’ body swapping to foreshadow how the rest of the plot will develop. When Painter first finds himself in Torio with Yumi, he thinks to himself that Yumi might be a nightmare like the ones he hunts, recalling stories of “the last days of some of the cities that had been attacked, of solid nightmares that had begun to change color, more flesh like tones” (52). This establishes the idea that nightmares can simulate the appearance of people, and this will later tie in to the revelation that nightmares were once people.

Additionally, Painter is struck by the similarities between his people and the Torish. He is surprised that they are humans, too, and that they look similar to his own people. While he notes that their fashion is “completely different” than what he is used to, their clothes do remind “him of formal dresses and wraps worn at weddings among his people” (67). This sets up the later revelation of the Torish people’s connection to his own people and of them being stuck in the past.

As Yumi and Painter see each other’s worlds for the first time, the novel explores the theme of The Impact of Culture and Upbringing on Identity. Both characters question concepts and details that the other takes for granted. Initially, they focus on the physical environments of Kilahito and Torio: Painter finds a world with a visible sun “impossibly bright” (51), while Yumi thinks Kilahito must be “in the darkest place of dead spirits” (75). Then, they also struggle to understand alien cultures. This is obvious in Painter’s struggle with and distaste for Torish traditions; upon waking up in the wagon, he commits several faux pas and expresses annoyance with the types and number of rituals. When Yumi tells him that, as yoki-hijo, she is “[a] thing, owned by society” (129), Painter rejects this idea. 

Sanderson highlights the points of friction between their worldviews to show how they struggle to escape the belief systems they were brought up with. While Yumi is denied personhood as part of her culture, she is still protective of Torio and its people and dislikes Painter’s criticisms. It is only later, through continued exposure to each other’s lifestyles, that they can gain more perspective about the shortcomings of their own cultures. Additionally, the points of conflict inject humor in the narrative. For example, Yumi dons a bizarre outfit, and her lack of understanding about the norms of Painter’s culture provides comic relief.

As each protagonist assumes their new roles in their new worlds, the narrative builds on The Conflict Between Individuality and Duty. The responsibilities they gain reflect their previous struggles. For instance, Painter is given the opportunity to start afresh. This is a complete reversal from his earlier existence as an inconsequential nightmare painter, and he eagerly accepts it. As Hoid notes, Painter skips the “Refusal of the Call [to adventure]” stage in the traditional “Hero’s Journey”; instead, he is “thrilled to be stolen from his other life” (72), and he hopes to present himself to Yumi as a hero. It is only when Yumi learns more about him and realizes how insignificant he is in Kilahito that he expresses a desire to have “[his] life back” (137). Despite Yumi’s dissatisfaction in Painter, he is still given new opportunities to prove himself. Later in the novel, Painter is able to overcome his insecurities since he is in a situation where others do not have set beliefs about him.

In Yumi’s case, she is given a life outside of her role as a yoki-hijo. Unlike Painter, she keeps her outward identity while putting her societal role aside. This means that she is now relatively anonymous and gains the life she wished to experience. Much of her struggle while she is in Painter’s body is learning to accept this opportunity, and the eagerness with which she dons her new clothes represents this. In her own life as yoki-hijo, she is forced to only wear the ceremonial tobok, but in Painter’s world, she has the freedom to choose her own clothes. She enjoys this, which shows her appreciation for her newfound freedom, but she still prioritizes her duty. She insists on training Painter to stack rocks, even though she does not want to return to her old life. This contradiction sets up her character arc, which involves her learning to balance her sense of duty with her desire for individuality.

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